Allow me time

The most common thing that came up at our focus groups was fast words, it can feel like deciphering code.

The art shows fast continual speech and a confused face.  The person hearing the words too fast or close together causes much confusion.

Fact: People can require a longer processing time to understand what is being said to them to form a response. They may be silent whilst they do this. With silence and patience from the person speaking to them they will get chance to form their reply.

Never fill a response time with follow on questions, as this can cause more confusion and frustration.

Using effective communication makes a world of difference.

Inspired by: People with Learning Difficulties, Disabilities and / or Autism.

Artist: Shannon Ell.

Useful links:

Effective communication Learning disabilities: click 

Effective communication Autism: click

Visual communication supports: click

For Makaton click

For British sign language click


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