Happy News

Our Happy Times News Blog


So we had a bank holiday break after our last session which seen us going to the Gym.


Today was our last day of the course and we did a game like The Beetle game where you have to roll a dice but you have to roll the number of body parts, but because we are Happy Times so used our cheeky mascot monkey, and it was amazing!  My group came 3rd.

We had some goodies after lunch and went on to do some fun quizzes, everyone done amazing. 

We had two guests, both called Adam from Magenta which confused some people and Curtis too, who come in to do so filming, for the people that wanted to make videos.  We thought they were all very brave. 

Everyone is looking forward to our wrap event in July, where we will all come back together, say goodbye and finish off.

Session snaps are in the gallery


Emily F.


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