Happy News

Our Happy Times News Blog


John 'Its raining' Michelle 'No problem John, wear this'


What an amazing turnout and day! 

There was lots of crafts, games, singing & dancing, Yoga and therapies and everything 

all outdoors, which was incredible.  Thanks to our team and special guest Barbara

who spent the full day massaging back to back...literally! 

Thanks to all the amazing Carers and support staff too and not forgetting our Participants who 

never fail to make the sun shine on any event!

Above Sunshine Ray, Helen and Sophie - Helens first public play!


Big thanks too for all of your kind raffle donations, we were so touched by this and 

they made a lot' of people very happy... especially Caren as you can see below! Caren 

couldn't believe her luck and when her number was shouted and her reaction was totally 

priceless and made everyone melt.

 We can't wait for the next one! 

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15 Yew Tree Road, Moreton
Wirral, CH46 8UA

0151 641 0716


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