Happy News

Our Happy Times News Blog


What a FANTASTIC Summer we have had!

Gabby - Barging it!

The Centre has been buzzing with our long term members who have provided the warmest of welcomes to the new members, which has meant there has been lots of happy times!!!

In addition to our daily centre activities we've enjoyed lots of AMAZING events, most voted for at our Parliament meetings (If you are not booked onto the next one, call the office!).  Barnstondale was incredible with so many personal achievements and many hidden talents discovered too.  Our musical barge was magical and a mix of fun and relaxing...hardly surprising as our staff team was Michelle and Sunshine Ray!

Helen worked hard with the NHS and Liverpool Museum to take 3 groups to the beach on a sensory bus. To follow up on this Emily and Helen went to do a talk all about it at Liverpool Art Gallery. Emily's presentation was great and enjoyed by everyone. 

Summer seen us attending events / activities with community partners: Magenta Living, Bloom, Rhythm Reaction, Wirral Unplugged, Mencap, Flower people, Window project,   In addition to our member schemes 'Explorer' and 'Parliament' we also have an Advisory board that sees us meeting up regularly with Carers, Participants and other local organisations. 

Did you know - We were runners up Disability Champions with The Steve Morgan Foundation and we used our winnings to pay for a musical barge and our peace garden project.

Matty ready for his climb at Barnstondale

The Centre is busy most days with a variety of movement, sensory and relaxation based activities and now musical, around the world and crafty ones too.  In fact our art was that good it got put in an exhibition at the Art Gallery!

Katie in Africa and Emily and James in Mexico -  - Around the World Sessions with Jo

 We have an exciting schedule as we head into Autumn / Winter with a mix of old favourites and some fun new and exciting stuff too which we've taken from Parliament suggestions and our suggestion boxes dotted around the centre.  So you can expect some Virtual Reality experiences, Christmas in space, Dance & Party Sessions, Trip to Liverpool, Happy Times HAS Talent recordings and live finals, Musical quizzes, work for our Peace Garden DIY Project, plus plenty of pamper, sensory & relaxation.

Also coming soon: Party sessions, new TV clips for our HTTV channel and a new online shop where you can purchase our new top and music cds with our own songs written and produced by the one and only Sunshine Raymond. 


We always wanting to bring more happy times to more people, so be sure to tell your friends all about your Happy Times and if they can't get to us remember we visit homes, centres, schools and club. 

Big thanks to everyone for their support: The Big Lottery, Mental Health Charity, Steve Morgan Foundation, Magenta Living, Jackie Charity donation, Liverpool University, our team, our Parliament, all of our community partners, Directors, Parliament & Advisory board......Not forgetting each and every one of you that have attended Happy Times and made the entire thing possible.  

 Here's to a happy Autumn / Winter!

Caren wanted to share how Yoga makes her feel, she attends Yoga for Beginners every Tuesday for a mix of posture and co-ordination work and breathing exercises and her favourite - relaxation.  She said 'It makes me feel happy, settled, looser and peaceful’. If you would like to attend there are places in this community class that runs every Tue 3pm £5 (Mats and blankets provided).


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Changing Places Toilet Specialists - Modular & Adapts    afg autism together exemplar   keys   lifeways magenta mindwirralnhsoptions potens   sse university of liverpoolwirral councilwirral mencap wirral met   

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15 Yew Tree Road, Moreton
Wirral, CH46 8UA

0151 641 0716


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